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Carlsquare A/S acted as financial advisor to Østjydsk Bank A/S on a pre-emptive rights issue

Carlsquare A/S acted as financial advisor to Østjydsk Bank A/S on a pre-emptive rights issue.

Østjydsk Bank A/S (OMX: OJBA) has successfully completed a pre-emptive rights issue with pre-emptive rights for existing shareholders.

The rights issue raised gross proceeds of DKK 115 million. The new shares were listed for trading on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen in September 2013.

The completion of the rights issue was a key point in Østjydsk Bank’s capital plan, which was drawn up in order to strengthen the bank’s capital adequacy and liquidity.

Carlsquare A/S acted as financial advisor to Østjydsk Bank A/S in connection with the structuring and completion of the rights issue, preparation of the prospectus and coordination of other advisers

Client: Østjydsk Bank A/S
Industry: Business Services
Østjydsk Bank A/S
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