Get ready for Exit – How digital KPIs drive enterprise value
Digital KPIs matter – particularly when it comes to the final step of an investment process: the exit. Carlsquare and OMMAX would like to invite you to an exclusive event on “Digital KPIs and Value Creation” – „How the entrepreneur hits the bull’s eye when selling a company. Experiences from the sale of Bogensportwelt.“ in Hamburg on the 17th of September 2019.
2 top-class guest speakers
We will discuss how and which digital KPIs are most crucial when it comes to exiting, with top Private Equity executives and founders of successful digital business models. In addition to this we will have 2 guest speakers: First, Rene Kliewe from Bogensportwelt will speak about how to create an appealing equity story and how digital KPIs can be used to hit the mark. Next Dr. Ludwig Schmucker from UBH Beteiligungen will give insights into best practices, based on his transaction experience.
3 successful exits within one year
Together, Carlsquare & OMMAX have accomplished 3 successful exits with Onlineshop77, BSW and Fitvia within a year. Through the maintenance of crucial digital KPIs, investors and the companies themselves have taken part of major success stories. In general, today’s exits are becoming increasingly challenging due to heightened complexities as investors are on the lookout for companies that will breed value in an uncertain future. Therefore, digital KPIs can significantly impact the final return on investment by tangibly measuring the digital performance and sustainability of a company’s business model. Quantifiable goals like conversions, number of leads, CLV or the company’s Google visibility foster the setting of reasonable expectations and serve as data-based proof for investors of a company’s value proposition. So, how can you prepare these indispensable performance indicators to maximize enterprise value? For a chance to discuss the effect of the crucial digital KPIs on the overall exit performance of your investment, we invite you to the following event: Get ready for Exit – How digital KPIs drive enterprise value The agenda is as follows below: 18:30 – Intro from Dr. Stefan Sambol (OMMAX) and Michael Moritz (Carlsquare) 19:00 – Rene Kliewe from Bogensportwelt 19:20 – Dr. Ludwig Schmucker from UBH Beteiligungen 19:40 – Q & A 20:00 – Dinner & Networking