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Carlsquare ranked in the top three of the DACH league table

27 Fév 2020

After a very successful year with 28 deals overall in the group, we are very happy to announce that Carlsquare ranks third in the latest Mergermarket League Table Analysis of the top DACH-based financial advisors in 2019.

This League Table Analysis (LTA) is a snapshot of the top DACH-based financial and legal advisors who worked on deals involving DACH-based targets/sellers or bidders in 1Q-4Q 2019. This includes advisory work on any deal where the target, seller or bidder considers DACH as a dominant geography and the advisors are headquartered in the DACH region.

The DACH region recorded 1,230 deals for a total value of EUR 129.5bn in 2019, a drop of 9.9% by value and 7.1% by volume compared to 2018. Germany saw most of the activity by volume, with 956 deals valued at EUR 70.9bn, followed by Switzerland which registered 195 deals valued at EUR 58bn.

Carlsquare was able to hold its position on third place. Of the 19 deals we advised on in the DACH region, we acted as target-advisor on 16 deals, stating the successful growth path of the past years. We are also very pleased to announce that our Managing Partner, Michael Moritz, was placed second in the individual league table with 9 deals in 2019.

Carlsquare ranked in the top three of the DACH league table