Carlsquare wins Globalscope Awards for Most Active Dealmaker and Flagship Deal 2015
20 Oct 2015
We are proud to annouce that Carlsquare won Globalscope Awards for Most Active Dealmaker and Flagship Deal 2015 at the 18th semi-annual Globalscope conference in Tel Aviv.
A total of 60 delegates convened at the David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel Aviv. The 3 day conference format gave Globalscope members ample time to explore M[&]A opportunities for their clients, with the agenda dedicated to deal meetings and presentations from PE funds. Additionally, business owners from key areas of interest to Globalscope’s sector groups were invited to present to the group.
During the conference, Globalscope welcomed one new member firm: Common Ground Corporate Finance, from Belgium.
Michael Moritz, President of Globalscope, commented, “I am extremely pleased to report on another successful Globalscope conference. I would like to pay special thanks to the team at Portofino Investments, Globalscope member in Tel Aviv, who not only organised our largest event to date, but also provided a broad view of the opportunities for international M[&]A in Israel.”
Mr Moritz went on to welcome Common Ground to the network, “We are delighted to welcome our 46th member to Globalscope: Common Ground Corporate Finance, Belgium, a strong mid-market M[&]A firm with sector specialisations in Financial Services, Agriculture, and Private Equity. Globalscope now has members in 39 countries worldwide. Globalscope currently ranks 26th in the Thomson Reuters Small-Cap M[&]A league tables.”
The next Globalscope conference will be held in Shanghai in March 2015.