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Carlsquare advised Holtzbrinck Digital on the sale of their majority stake in MyHammer to HomeAdvisor an IAC company

The leading American home service marketplace, HomeAdvisor, and Germanys leading craftsmen portal MyHammer are joining forces. HomeAdvisor, the operator of the leading home services marketplace in both North America and Europe and an operating business of IAC, today announced that it has agreed to acquire the majority stake in MyHammer from Holtzbrinck Digital. HomeAdvisor also announced that it intends to commence a tender offer to acquire the remaining publicly-held stake in MyHammer.

“We are extremely excited to add the MyHammer team, the MyHammer brand, and the MyHammer network of craftsmen to the HomeAdvisor International family,” said Jeff Kip, CEO of HomeAdvisor International. “This acquisition is an important step toward our goal of building a European home services champion and replicating HomeAdvisor’s tremendous domestic success in Europe, a market comparable in both size and characteristics to North America.”

Industry: Internet
Assignment: Buyside