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How to Exit: Nasdaq vs. Silicon Valley

See Photos from our Event

We are delighted to announce that Carlsquare will be hosting an exclusive pre-event for HTGF Family Day. A dynamic mix of expert talks and networking drinks, it will take place in our Berlin office on June 10 (4pm-9pm).

Sebastian Büchert, CEO of Swedish-German medtech unicorn Bentley “EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2023” in Germany, will deliver the keynote talk. He will share Bentley’s story and plans to potentially float the newly established holding company Bentley Endovascular Group AB on Nasdaq Nordic.

Complementing Sebastian’s insights will be presentations from Adam Kostyál, CEO of Nasdaq Nordic, on why his exchange is the best home for German tech companies, and from Hakan Sjögren, Managing Director at Nasdaq, on the road to IPO.

Guests will also have the chance to participate in an M&A workshop with Susan Blanco, Managing Partner in Carlsquare’s San Francisco office. Susan will discuss “How to Sell Your Company to Silicon Valley” – a subject no-one is better qualified to speak on!

The evening will conclude with a cocktail reception – an opportunity for the visionary founders, successful executives and top-tier investors in attendance to renew old connections and start forging new ones.

In short, it promises to be an invaluable event, and we’re already looking forward to welcoming everyone in Berlin.


4.00 pm


The Return of the Exits: Why 2024 Will Be a Year of Breakthrough”

Mark Miller, Michael Moritz, Susan Blanco, Carlsquare

4.30 pm


“Nasdaq Europe: Best Home for German Tech Companies”

Adam Kostyál, CEO, Nasdaq Stockholm and Anders Elgemyr, Carlsquare

5.00 pm


“How to Sell Your Company to Silicon Valley”

Susan Blanco, Carlsquare


“The Road to IPO”

Håkan Sjögren, Nasdaq and Oskar Wollert, Carlsquare

6.00 pm


6.30 pm


“Entrepreneur of the Year Tells His Story”

Sebastian Büchert, CEO, Bentley Endovascular Group AB

7.30 pm


Anders Elgemyr
Anders Elgemyr LinkedIn
Managing Partner
Mark Miller
Mark Miller LinkedIn
Managing Partner
Michael Moritz
Michael Moritz LinkedIn
Managing Partner
Oskar Wollert
Oskar Wollert
Vice President
Susan  Blanco
Susan Blanco LinkedIn
Managing Partner
10 juni 2024 från 16:00 till 21:00

Carlsquare Berlin

Kürfürstendamm 188

Berlin, 10707, Tyskland, + Google Map