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Michael Moritz new President of the Cross Border M&A Network Globalscope

28 maj 2013

Michael Moritz, the new Globalscope President for 2013 to 2015 announced the Globalscope board for May 2013 – May 2015 as follows:

Michael Moritz, Carlsquare, Germany – President. Head of Communications including website

Michael Tilley, Terrain Capital, Australia – Past President. Head of Recruitment for Asia

Hervé Le Roy, CMW Corporate Finance, France – President Elect. Head of Sectors

Russ D’Alba, Paramax Corporation, USA. Head of Conference Strategy

Martijn Peters, Solving Efeso, The Netherlands. Head of Recruitment for Americas, Europe & Africa

We welcome Russ D’Alba of Paramax in the US and Martijn Peters of Solving Efeso in The Netherlands to the board. Russ is a great contributor to the network and Paramax hosted an excellent conference in New York in May 2012. Martijn has been a dedicated member of Globalscope for many years; he has also organised and hosted a Globalscope conference in Amsterdam in October 2010 and is heavily involved in the recruitment drive.

Michael Moritz thanked the outgoing board members for their services to Globalscope: Paddy MccGwire, who steps down following 6 years of service to Globalscope as President Elect, President and Past President. Paddy has overseen the transformation of the network from its creation with the merger between ACS and ICN to incorporation in 2010. Paddy’s leadership has been instrumental in helping build the solid platform on which we now develop our network. Although Paddy is no longer a Director of Globalscope, Paddy hasaccepted the role of Treasurer and will continue to oversee Globalscope’s finances which are based in the UK.

Michael Tilley has retired as President of Globalscope in Moscow on Thursday 16th May. Michael’s tenure continued the professionalising of the network, adding a focus on technology and recruitment. We have seen the output of Michael’s dedication with the new Globalscope website which will transform our reach and effectiveness. We are also grateful for Michael’s steer with the recruitment push that enabled us to invite five observer firms to our conference in Moscow taking us to 31 members across 24 countries – a fantastic result.

Michael Moritz, President of Globalscope comments “I am delighted to follow on from Paddy and Michael’s hard work and will continue to drive the network forward to reach our goal of having 40 members by May 2015”.

For Globalscope enquiries, please contact
Michael Moritz – President
Valentinskamp 24, D-20354 Hamburg Germany
Ph: +49 (40) 300 836-0