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Equity research, Zinzino: On track to achieve growth target

4 Oct 2024

On 3 October, Zinzino released its preliminary sales figures for the third quarter. Total revenue increased to SEK 531.9m, representing a 22% growth. The key growth drivers were South and West Europe, Central Europe and North America. In our latest research update, we anticipated total revenues of SEK 499m for Q3. However, following the release of the strong sales figures for August, we concluded that our previous estimates were likely too conservative (see the comment here). Sales in September grew 16 per cent, a lower rate than the whopping 39 per cent in August. However, history demonstrates that significant monthly variations are common, and overall, Q3 growth was well in line with company targets (at least 20 per cent growth on average).

For Q3, we expect a gross profit and EBITDA of SEK 181m and SEK 69m, respectively. We expect lower margins year-on-year but a sequential increase compared to Q2. Going forward, we believe raw material prices should become less of a headwind for the gross margin, but the timing is uncertain.

Raised fair value in a base case scenario

Following the stronger-than-expected preliminary Q3 sales figures, we have raised our sales and EBITDA estimates for 2024E-2026E by 3-6 per cent and 6-9 per cent, respectively. Using the same valuation method as before, we arrive at a new base case valuation of around SEK 97 per share (86.8).

Read our latest research update here.

Zurvita, a clear trigger

As previously announced, Zinzino has signed a letter of intent to acquire US-based direct sales company Zurvita, which has annual sales of USD 30m. Zinzino has previously stated that it expected the deal to close in Q3. We have not yet modelled any revenue and profitability contribution from Zurvita.

A Zurvita acquisition should boost North American sales significantly. We believe Zinzino’s history proves that adding new products and expanding the network can create significant synergies. Zurvita sells plant-based nutritional products as well as Zinzino Balance oils. Hence, there are likely some overlapping sales at an unknown amount. However, we assume the overlap will be mitigated as Zinzino should be able to record end-customer sales of the Balance Oils at a higher price than selling via Zurvita.

Zinzino has previously agreed to pay some 0.6x sales for Zurvita (up to USD 17m in cash and equity). This is well below Zinzino’s own valuation on First North. Zinzino has stated that Zurvita’s gross margin is good. In summary, while many details remain unknown, we believe a completed acquisition of Zurvita would have a clear positive impact on our estimates and valuation.


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Equity research, Zinzino: On track to achieve growth target